What is your new normal?

Chances are you’ve been affected in some way shape or form by the current pandemic that is happening worldwide. What you imagined 2020 to be may not fit the picture that is appearing now.

Your world may have come to a grinding halt, with so many unknown factors up in the air. You may be in between jobs, feeling financially challenged as well as scared.

Frustrated Man on Computer — Picture by Burst

You’re not alone and we’re all going to get through this together.

We don’t know how long it will take to truly contain this coronavirus and see a global decrease. It may take months or even years. And this could really shift how we continue to live.

This ‘new normal’ may appear as more remote working opportunities for both home and school, less congestion of traffic, controlled group gatherings, more focus on health and prevention and reassessment of our way of life on all levels.

As a society, we’re being asked to flex, adapt and be patient. This isn’t a bug that will disappear in a few months. Pandemics tend to run in cycles and this is just the beginning.

So what is your new normal and how do you get through these trying times?

Your new normal isn’t what you asked for but it’s what’s in front of you now. What makes the new normal difficult is:

• comparison to how life ‘used to be’
• frustration around lack of support
• isolation and separation
• fear around survival and well-being
• lack of transparency around outcomes
• feeling challenged around doing your work

It causes you to feel the heavy energetic weight, making you want to hide, not do anything or find ways to distract your mind from the pervading worries.

You’re not alone and we’re all going to get through this together.

Why? Because this is a HUGE wake up call for our world to shift into a higher vibration of awareness, consciousness and connection. For many, this is the work that you came back for. This is part of your Divine process and plan. This is part of the upgrade.

We didn’t come here to be on auto-pilot. We came back here to exercise choice and options. This is our time to step into our power and find a new way of being. The old patterns no longer fit and it’s time to shift into a new garment of consciousness and light.

So how can you cope, evolve and embrace your life in a way that can support where you’re at?

Here are 5 simple suggestions that you can apply right away.

1. Create routines that you can rely on

• Routines give you a sense of consistency, allowing you to foster your self-care habits, spiritual faith, work, home balance and relationships.
• Routines give you something to rely on, helping you adjust, accomplish and even relish the time you have on hand.
• Routines make you feel like you’re getting something done so you release any guilt or feelings of ‘not-enough.’

2. Practice using reflection as a tool to measure your progress

• Use reflection to mirror back to yourself how you’re doing. By practicing on having a positive state of mind, you influence your psyche, attitude, health and sense of peace.
• Reflection helps you to focus on yourself and stop comparing yourself to others, giving you a sense that you’re moving at your own pace.
• Reflection helps you to take stock of what you have, counting the smallest blessings that eventually stack up to more.

3. Use a mantra that you can repeat regularly such as “This too shall pass.”

• Mantras apply word-sound-power to evoke a vibration that influences how you feel, think and act in the world.
• Mantras help you shift from the automated cycle of comparison and complaints, giving you a chance to focus on the present moment of the words and how it soothes you.
• Mantras invoke your trust in Spirit to ‘take care’ of things that are beyond your control, helping you ease into a place on inner peace and balance.
• Three mantras you can say to yourself to help you cope during these trying times are:
“Whatever is happening is happening for the best and highest good.”
⁃ “With God/Spirit/Universe, I can make it through anything.”
⁃ “I AM happy, healthy, loved, supported and whole.”

4. Go outside and put your feet on the Earth and your hands in the soil

• Nothing is more grounding, therapeutic and balancing than putting your bare feet on the ground, connecting to the Earth and breathing deeply
• Grounding your feet, or earthing, helps you release fear, frustration and stress while drawing the supportive and loving energy of the Earth into your body
• Part of this new normal includes taking time to focus on your relationship with Mother Earth, inviting you to plant and cultivate a garden — internally and externally. Allowing your hands to work with soil invite many beneficial microbes in your system, uplifting your mood and spirit.

5. Use EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to clear any frustrations, fears or blocks

• If you are feeling frustrated, stagnant and worried, tapping or EFT can help reset your energetic channels to a new outcome and focus.
• Even though your world may be stalled or slowed, you can still create that mental outcome in your mind and hold that vision in your heart of what you’d like to achieve/receive/create. Use tapping/EFT as a way to move into that vibration of being aligned to your outcome.
• If you’re feeling blocked or resistant to any energy or action, try tapping to release those areas that feel stuck.

Life as we know it will always change and be different. That’s something that you can guarantee.

How you deal with this time of quarantine, isolation, distancing and precaution determines your sense of equanimity and balance.

Remember to just take it day by day and pace yourself. You’re not in a race with anyone but yourself so don’t be so hard on you at this time.



Anne Marie Pizarro (Body Energy Connection)

I work with practitioners, coaches & entrepreneurs in the Akashic Records and teach courses related to running a spiritual 5D business. Bodyenergyconnection.com